Why Women Sometimes Find It Difficult To Have Sex With A New Partner

After meeting someone, when is the right moment to sleep with someone? Women in particular ask themselves this question for various reasons. It's not just social reasons that often keep women from going to bed with a man too quickly.

There are completely natural, hormonal reasons that speak against having sex too quickly. Because as soon as a woman sleeps with a man, the bonding hormone oxytocin is released, which binds the woman more closely to the man and can also cause infatuation.

That is, as long as the matter is still uncertain and the feelings of the other person are not yet apparent, women prefer to wait and see before dropping the covers decorated with babydolls. As if that alone isn't enough, women are also reluctant to get involved sexually with a man for another reason.

Women can get pregnant

Women who are looking for a relationship are often very cautious when it comes to being intimate with a man. And there are reasons for that, because despite contraception, there is always a low probability that pregnancy will occur. If the feelings are not clarified and it is not clear whether the man is willing to enter into a stable relationship, it is difficult for the woman to let go because she is subconsciously afraid of an unwanted pregnancy and of being alone with the child later to be or to have to abort.

More certainty about fertile and infertile days

It is very unlikely that pregnancy will occur when using contraception, but it has been in the minds of women since time immemorial and is also difficult to defeat. However, there is a way that women can gain more confidence about their own fertility and infertility, so that they can also let down sexually with new acquaintances. Women need to be aware that there is only a very limited fertile period within their cycle, which begins on the first day of their period and ends on the last day before their next period. This period is around mid-cycle for most women. All other cycle days are much less likely for a pregnancy and sometimes even impossible.

Protection against STDs

A woman should always protect herself during sex. Even more from sexually transmitted diseases than from pregnancy, because they can be much more likely than pregnancy with unprotected sex and can also mean that pregnancy is never possible. Various sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea can be detected with a blood test at the doctor's.

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