Why Are You Dating Me?

A first date is always a bit exciting, even for him. He would like to know these things, but he will certainly not dare to ask them aloud. Do you recognize them too?

1.Why Are You Dating Me?

Are you going out with me because you didn't dare reject me? Or do you really like me? Every boy is insecure about this, even if they don't let it show. So you're not alone! 2. Where does this date end?

Dating Tip: Show Your Feelings Without Upsetting The Date

Especially when it comes to dating, a lot of people seem to have a problem showing their feelings. But is it possible to show your feelings without throwing the date to the wind?

It can be pretty scary to somehow show other people that you have feelings for that person. Especially when you don't really know how the other person's feelings are and what she's actually thinking.

Love Is Always A Risk

Get Ex Girlfriend Back: These Tips Really Work

A breakup is always difficult. Depending on how long you've been together, your grieving phase can extend over a longer period of time. A breakup brings a lot of pain and suffering with it and it is not uncommon for the desire to win your ex girlfriend back to arise.This doesn't have to be so far-fetched.

Below are some helpful tips to help you get your ex girlfriend back. You will also learn from us what you should not do.

Find Out If You Really Want To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Cuddle Hormone Makes Your Partner More Attractive

Why are couples faithful? All a biological mechanism, say Bonn researchers. You are on the trail of the bonding phenomenon. The cuddle hormone Oxycontin plays an important role.If men have an increased Oxycontin dose in the brain, their own partner appears more attractive compared to other women, the Bonn researchers found out. 

It is not moral concepts that keep lovers, couples or parents together - the solution to the riddle lies in the hormone Oxycontin. At least that is the opinion of researchers at the University of Bonn. They found that Oxycontin, known as the cuddle hormone, plays an important role in loyalty and monogamous behavior in men.

The Most Common Reasons For Breakup And How To Avoid Them

Divorces and separations are now almost the order of the day. Love is more important than religion or family. The personal well-being of the individual is more important today than it was then.

But even today you should still fight for a relationship and to do that it helps to know the most common reasons for separation and to counteract them. Otherwise, in this article you will learn more about what can help against the pain of separation after a breakup.

Why Women Sometimes Find It Difficult To Have Sex With A New Partner

After meeting someone, when is the right moment to sleep with someone? Women in particular ask themselves this question for various reasons. It's not just social reasons that often keep women from going to bed with a man too quickly.

There are completely natural, hormonal reasons that speak against having sex too quickly. Because as soon as a woman sleeps with a man, the bonding hormone oxytocin is released, which binds the woman more closely to the man and can also cause infatuation.

When your girlfriend wants a child but you are not ready yet

In most relationships, the woman is much more likely to want children than the man. If your partner gazes amorously at prams, stops at baby things in shops, and occasionally makes allusions to the perfection of the family, the desire for a child will be expressed within the foreseeable future. But what to do if you are not ready and do not want to offend your partner?
The fact is, honesty is important and should not simply be ignored when it comes to such an important decision as family planning.

Don't hurt your partner with arguments

Spending Long Time With A Friend: Building Stronger Bonds And Creating Lasting Memories

Expenditure a long time with a friend is one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable experiences in life. It allows you to deepen your connecti...